Thursday, June 16, 2011

The Emergency Room X2

On Sunday we didn't go to church, we had a family reunion to go to, we had been looking forward to it for a month! And we had a really good time while we were there. The kids love it there and I am going to take them back this summer! Anyway the aunt's house we were at has a pool, and my kids are half fish, so they were all having a great time! Haleigh was jumping off the diving board and was doing wonderfully, her suite has a life vest with a zipper on it, and when she jumped in for like the 50th time her zipper popped up and the force of it gashed into her chin, she came up bleeding.

Off to the emergency room we go. I went to the closest one seeing that we were about 45 mins from the closest one, even though its my least favorite and where Haleigh was born. So we get in the back pretty quick and we find out they can't use the glue like we had hoped, I asked them to put the stitches closer together, but they said they would only put what was needed to hold it together. Ugh! Another strike against that hospital! Any way she "needed" 5 of them. Its on the underside of her chin so even though its going to be a scar no one will be able to see it unless she is looking straight up. We were out of the hospital about 3 hours after we got there.

We kept her stitches clean, used antibiotic soap and band aids with antibiotic ointment in them and letting it air out while she slept.

Tuesday morning she got a bath and I put on her band-aid, I noticed her skin was slightly pink so I decided to pick up some antibiotic ointment so I could do a good rub in, when we got home. We then took the kids to lunch and to the bass pro shop, they are about 45 mins from our house. At lunch Haleigh got food all over her band-aid, so I decided to take it off, I didn't have another one but I knew no band-aid was better than one that was trapping in foods. When we took it off there was a blister. And that concerned me quite a bit. I have 5 children and 4 of them have had stitches, Haleigh had stitches after her surgery too. None of them ever looked like this. It was 3PM so I was not making it to Haleigh's peditrician office that day, we decided to wait and see if it looked worse we would take her to the ER, the same or better to her Dr in the morning. Well we got home at 530, and the blister popped, she screamed and when I picked her up she felt like she had a fever. So off to the ER we went. AGAIN!

This time the ER is packed! On arrival her temperature was 102, we are given Motrin to bring down her fever and we wait for 2 hours in the waiting room. While there I leaned that they actually have 2 areas in the ER. One is the actual ER where you see a Dr. , the 2nd is called fast track where you are seen by a nurse practice, now don't get me wrong I have nothing bad to say about them, they are the ones who took care of my babies in the NICU (after the 1st few days) but I think a doctor should have seen her! Well no doctor saw her the 2nd night either we saw a physicians assistant and I have no problem with them either our peditrician's office has one that handles all well visits. We waited 3 hours to see a PA for 10 mins! He took one look and said yeah looks infected wait right here I will get you a RX, came back handed me a paper to sign have me a copy and her 2 Rx's. One is an antibiotic by mouth one is an ointment. Then he said to bring her back in 3 days, for what I asked? For them to recheck her and to take out her stitches. Um.... No thanks I will take her to her doctor on Friday!

So now its Thursday and it still tooks awful! So I am hoping her Dr can shine some light on how she is healing.

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