Tuesday, August 27, 2013


I have been thinking a lot about Haleigh starting school. As she will be 5 in November she can start K-5 in the Fall of 2014. Along with 2 of her cousins. But I worry she will need to miss a lot of school for surgery, and if she has an expander in, I'm not sure how that would work. I would worry she would get hurt at PE, or get an infection, or get sick right before a surgery. I know we can wait another year and we may, but she really is ready. We do things at home, but I know she wants to go. This is the whole reason we wanted to start removal when she was a baby, when she was much, much younger. So that by the time she started school there would be no more surgeries and she could start school when she was 5, just like everyone else and she wouldn't miss anything because she would be done.

Now I know there are summers where she could have surgery then, Christmas brake, Spring brake. But what child wants to spend all their time off of school getting surgery. Thats not fair either.

I'm not sure what the answer is. I thank God we have another year to decide what is best for her, and that we are in a very small school system so, I believe we would get extra help from them if needed for surgery. K-5 is the best time to miss a lot of school, if your going to miss. Its not Mandatory they even go to K-5 they can just go into 1st grade after they turn 7, so yes we could actually keep her home for 2 more years, but I think by that time she would just walk herself to school. She's already very smart, I dont want her to be behind every other child in her class, because she needs more surgery.

Such a hard choice that I must make for her

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