Thursday, February 17, 2011

13 years of diapers

13 years ago, we started buying diapers, we were buying them for a baby that was not here yet, and we were having a few problems because you see back then they had diapers for boys that were blue and diapers that were pink for girls, we were not able to find out what we were having at our ultrasound, so we had to buy the new born size ugly white diapers. That was the only size you could get if you didn't know what you were having! Lucky for us in April we got another scan and found out we were having a girl and stocked up on little pink diapers!

2 years later we were buying pink pull ups and little blue diapers, 3 years after that blue pull ups and by then diapers were no longer done by gender, they were just diapers but we were still buying them, 3 years after that blue pull ups and more diapers, 2 years after that more blue pull ups and more newborn size diapers! 2 years after that we are still buying pull ups but we are back to pink ones. The difference is we are not buying newborn diapers at the same time! We are very excited. I am ready to move past changing diapers! I can not say diapers have been the best part of having babies, no one really wants to do it, so 12 years with out a brake is a long enough run of doing anything I believe! Its time to let someone else support the diaper companies!

As I say that I fear that with haleigh having surgery she might be mostly potty trained when we go up, but not when we come back. Her she has a lot to do with it. I am still going to work with her, and she loves to go potty, but I think after Atlanta we will be in diapers again at least for a few days until she feels more like herself. Its not the trip she loves to go potty away from home, its really the actual being out to sleep and having a diaper on that I think will make her regress. But its ok we will just take it all in and one day at a time.

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