Monday, March 28, 2011

A Little Traumatized

I believe Haleigh is a little traumatized from her surgery. I was really hoping she was still young enough to forget about it almost as soon as it was over, we were not so lucky!

I want to say Haleigh is doing very well from a physical stand point.

When we skyped with Dr. C last week he said Haleigh look great, and that since she was leaving the glue alone, we could put triple antibiotic cream on it and that would loosen the glue so it would flake off! We have been wanting the glue to fall off so I was excited. We had not out any thing except sun screen on her face and I did that while she was doing other things too, so she was not paying att to me anyway.

When I first tried to put the cream on Haleigh's face she had a fit! Kicking and screaming and yelling for her daddy, for her may may! Help help she was saying! I felt so so bad, Madalyn held her hand and I quickly put the cream on her. I felt so bad for her, I decided I would wait for her to be asleep before I put any other cream on her.

Then saturday came and I had not choice but to use sunscreen on her. Landon held her hand as she cried. He is just 4 so that made me wanna cry that she wanted her littlest big brother to hold her hand.

She does not want anyone to wash her face or bathe her, she dosent want is to wipe her if she gets dirty, she said she'll do it her self. But ya know she can't always do it good enough and when I have to step in age cries for someone anyone to hold her little hand.

She on the other hand does not want mama to hold her hand. Mama is the one putting on all the creams and doing all the washing and wiping, so she will not hold my hands.

I was a little sad when she would not let daddy put on the sunscreen and hold mama's hands but then I realized she just trust me to handle her face and everyone else is just for hands!

I tried to just look and see how much of the glue was peeling off today and that was as bad as trying the sunscreen so I am just waiting for her to sleep.

I love her so much and I just wish she could have started earlier and was finnished before she learned how to remember anything longer than a day or two!

Please continue to pray for Haleigh and our family during this time. We know that God will use this for our good and His glory.

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