Monday, February 25, 2013

Still draining

I called the dr office 3 times today. Left 3 messages and will be calling back in the morning. I don't know why they have a hard time getting my messages. I know they are going to say they didn't get any from me. They always say that.

Haleigh's drain is draining still so I'm not sure if they would have let me pull it tonight or not but man I want to so bad. I almost did any way and if it had not drained after her bath any I think I would have. It's such a small amount though in not even sure if it matters. I mean we are talking less than 1cc all day today. She's gotten pretty use to it though. She rucks the little tube behind her ear and makes sure the longer part is taped to her shirt so it doesn't pull. Then she goes about her day like its nothing. I'm pretty sure I'd still be in the bed from the first surgery. Needing something, she's so strong to go through it all. She's less swollen and less bruised today. She looks like my Haleigh.

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